Category: Yellowstone

US Fish and Wildlife Service says bears won't be delisted in Greater Yellowstone or other areas of Lower 48. Recovery going forward will focus on establishing metapopulation. But states vow to have Trump Administration overturn decision
Why are the biggest conservation groups working in America's most iconic ecosystem avoiding the biggest threat to the survival of its famous wildlife?
An uplifting success story: How Wyoming became a global hub for thinking about terrestrial animal movement. And why efforts to preserve long-distance treks of pronghorn, mule deer, elk and other species make it a model for pondering large landscape conservation
No time to hibernate: Steven Fuller hopes the longest, harshest winter of his tenure in Yellowstone will arrive
In his final season, Yellowstone "winterkeeper" Steven Fuller reflects on a half century of dwelling inside the geographic heart of our first national park. Enjoy his first column for Yellowstonian
No time for hibernation, we're entering a season of deep reflection on what matters and one meditation might be on our relationship with nature. A short documentary from The Guardian features Yellowstone winterkeeper Steven Fuller now in his last year of a half-century tenure. Enjoy.