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Yellowstonain Todd Wilkinson

Category: Featured Article

One motivation for states to remove grizzlies from federal protection is clear, but why isn't the same reasoning applied to our national avian symbol, which is far more numerous, more widely distributed and also feasts on livestock?
Unplug, slow down, quiet your thoughts and identify as many different natural sounds, scents and sights of wild things as you can. This is Holly Pippel's reminder for how to take stock of a passing season
More than two dozen former staff and board members, including former superintendent of Yellowstone Park, say GYC's bill to protect Gallatins and their world-class wildlife falls far short
Amid the raging national debate between mountain bikers and wildlife conservationists, this piece by Calvin Servheen may be the most thoughtful essay you've ever read on the topic.
In Colorado, it’s not just lobos, wildlife officials, conservationists and ranchers being placed in the spotlight. In his latest "New West" column, Todd Wilkinson says scrutiny ought to be directed at media outlets too
New book takes aim at Wallace Stegner’s ideas of the West and characters who inhabited his stories. Plus, a respected Greater Yellowstone historian pushes back against voices who challenge Stegner and the conservation he promoted
Remember those cool "Go Hike a Glacier" t-shirts? Now you can declare your affection for America's most iconic, wildlife-rich ecosystem by hanging a poster on the wall or displaying a free bumper sticker on your car or bike
Using Artificial Intelligence and bioacoustics, America's first national park stands at the forefront of global efforts to translate the sonorous communication of wolves and other large terrestrial species
Scientific evidence continues to mount on the biggest threat to wildlife beyond the boundaries of Yellowstone and Grand Teton. Care to hazard a guess what it is?
In the larger context of grizzly conservation, what is her legacy? And what is necessary to keep biological recovery of her species alive?

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