It's on this week! Join thousands of others who are attending remotely from around the world. Now is the time to celebrate—and defend—the value of public wildlife and proted areas
Tristan Scott, managing editor of the Flathead Beacon, explains what happened with a unpopular push to undo the legacy of conservation easements with a Madison County rancher/legislator listening to the people and changing his mind
From now until its festival in April, Gallatin Valley Earth Day is delivering a series of free live and streamlined events that will make you swoon for the West even more. Also enjoy our interview with organizer Anne Ready
To fast-track grizzly delisting, states have been moving a few bears around to address genetic concerns. But as Nick Gevock writes in this op-ed, they're also evading the goal of achieving durable biological connectivity between isolated ecosystems
In this op-ed, the longtime wildlife watching guide, peripatetic wanderer and wildlife conservation advocate fears we're facing a last stand to protect a world-class sweep of public land that belongs to all Americans
WildJourneys with WU: As we explore the wildlife imagery in Helen Seay’s mural in Jackson Hole, we begin by celebrating a mountain underdog and indicator of change affecting our bigger world
Wildlife researchers Dr. Joel Berger and Kira Cassidy examine impacts of growing outdoor recreation pressure on sensitive desert bighorn sheep in southeast Utah
It won awards and earned praise for illuminating one of the West's biggest concerns. Now timelier than ever, enjoy a movie night in your own home and become smarter as a result
Guy Alsentzer of Upper Missouri Waterkeeper has a candid podcast conversation about growing water worries in western Montana related to unchecked sprawl, and what it means for wildlife and the character of the state