WildJourneys with WU: As we explore the wildlife imagery in Helen Seay’s mural in Jackson Hole, we begin by celebrating a mountain underdog and indicator of change affecting our bigger world
In this op-ed, Bozeman conservationist Clint Nagel, who took part in earlier failed attempt at consensus and collaboration to decide fate of Gallatin Mountains, says latest effort also gives short shrift to wildlife
Two evenings you won't forget: You are invited to attend free public events in Bozeman and Missoula featuring Drs. Chris Servheen and Doug Smith. Hope to see you there!
A wild Montana lake, surrounded by wildlife-rich public land, faces another threat. Meanwhile, grassroots conservationists would like to run historic guest lodge as a non-profit to limit footprint of development
Amid the raging national debate between mountain bikers and wildlife conservationists, this piece by Calvin Servheen may be the most thoughtful essay you've ever read on the topic.
In 1960, Wallace Stegner wrote about the enduring importance of wilderness in the modern world. He called wilderness “the geography of hope” and today it's more vital than ever for wildlife
New book takes aim at Wallace Stegner’s ideas of the West and characters who inhabited his stories. Plus, a respected Greater Yellowstone historian pushes back against voices who challenge Stegner and the conservation he promoted