To fast-track grizzly delisting, states have been moving a few bears around to address genetic concerns. But as Nick Gevock writes in this op-ed, they're also evading the goal of achieving durable biological connectivity between isolated ecosystems
In this op-ed, the longtime wildlife watching guide, peripatetic wanderer and wildlife conservation advocate fears we're facing a last stand to protect a world-class sweep of public land that belongs to all Americans
In this op-ed, attorney Susan Dana, emerita professor of business law, explains the importance of the historic ruling brought by young people on behalf of their future
On 'Subdivide and Conquer's' Silver Jubilee: How a riveting film from 25 years ago reminds us how much we lost because of leaders who refused to take growth issues in the rural West seriously. Are they doing so now?
In unprecedented declaration, over 40 living wildlife scientists sign letter giving Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission failing grade for action on black bear quota
In downtown Jackson, Wyoming, Helen Seay has created a wildlife mural that celebrates the biodiversity of Greater Yellowstone. Together with Wyoming Untrapped, Yellowstonian will be telling tales of species survival
In this essay, planner Randy Carpenter with group Friends of Park County says
citizens need to heed lesson of what happens when counties have no enforceable
planning and zoning regs in place
Robert Kiesling has been an innovative forerunner in private land protection in Montana by bringing together farmers and ranchers with conservation buyers. More now than ever, he says, the Northern Rockies needs a plan for dealing with sprawl
In our interview with Montana Quarterly’s Scott McMillion, we talk about dramatic change, people left behind, Jon Tester’s loss and the essence of great storytelling. McMillion even throws in a big game recipe!