A Yellowstonian Exclusive: Watch The Documentary ‘Subdivide And Conquer: A Modern Western,’ For Free

It won awards and earned praise for illuminating one of the West's biggest concerns. Now timelier than ever, enjoy a movie night in your own home and become smarter as a result


So long to the wild West? Obviously, this image was created with artificial intelligence—(ChatGPT); it's also obvious that if we are going to save wild places we need to apply the highest and most visionary forms of human intelligence to landscape planning.

by Yellowstonian

There is no avoiding it: history matters. Being smarter about the natural world around us is more powerful than being uneducated. Past is prelude; and, sometimes, reality can be more brutal than fiction. But do we have the courage and gumption to see what is before us?

Yellowstonian is proud to be partnered with the documentary production company Bullfrog Films in reprising a limited screening of its gritty and heartfully-delivered film, Subdivide and Conquer: A Modern Western. Click on it below. We’re making it available free.

With millions of viewers tuning in to watch the TV melodrama Yellowstone, and being left rapt as the Dutton family and local indigenous people battled developers to save landscapes in a fictional valley set near Yellowstone National Park, here is your opportunity to now understand the real forces rapidly whittling away at what remains of the larger wild West. We guarantee it will invite you to think.

Bullfrog believes in the mission of Yellowstonian and we, in turn, can’t overestimate the amount of effusive admiration we have for John Hoskyns-Abrahall and Winifred Shearer, producers Jeff Gersh and Chelsea Congdon and the people they interviewed in their award-winning film. A delight to many, Subdivide and Conquer features narration by the late actor and conservationist Dennis Weaver, who became a household name to millions of TV watchers, first for his portrayal of Chester Goode in Gunsmoke. Weaver also appeared in several Westerns with well-known actors of the time and he played the lead role in the TV Western detective series, McCloud. A proud American, he was a Navy fighter pilot during the second World War.

Yellowstonian is showing Subdivide and Conquer here for a limited time. Please share this link with friends and, equally as important, also send it to your local conservation organizations, elected officials at the local, state and federal level, your associates at the local chambers of commerce and Rotary Club, and people you know with government land management agencies. Along with a friendly salutation, ask them this question: are you interested in knowing the truth about the true costs and impacts of sprawl?

Lastly, please remember that were you to see this enlightening film at a local theater or pay to view it on a streaming service, it would cost you a lot. What is the worth of having a non-profit conservation journalism site like Yellowstonian giving you this along with the stories below free? We are devoted to elevating public awareness about vital issues shaping the future of America’s most iconic wildlife ecosystem—a region that, after all, belongs to all of us and to which we feel a a deep sense of shared belonging. What’s more powerful as a unifying force than that?

Stories in the ongoing Yellowstonian series:

Welcome To The De-Wilding West We Could Be Avoiding

Subdivisons: As Impactful To Wildlife Over Time As Clearcuts, Mines And Energy Combined

What Happens When Greater Yellowstone’s Conservation Movement Goes MIA On Sprawl?

Wild Odysseys: Greater Yellowstone Migrations Hold An American Ecosystem Together

Meet The Real Madison—And Why It’s Called ‘A Mini-American Serengeti’

New Scientific Study Focuses On Largest Threat To Greater Yellowstone’s Iconic Wildlife

The Land Planner Who Tried To Prevent Disasters On Nature

Proposed Suce Creek Luxury Resort In Park County Is Just “Tip Of The Iceberg”

The Spillover Effects Of Big Sky’s Ravenous Appetite For More

Has Helena Become A Fountainhead Of Denial For Montana’s Coming Water Woes?


  • (Author)

    Todd Wilkinson, co-founder of Yellowstonian, has been an award-winning American journalist for almost 40 years, known foremost for his writing about the environment and his knowledge of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In addition to his books on topics ranging from scientific whistleblowers and Ted Turner to Grizzly 399 (featuring images by photographer Tom Mangelsen) and a number of prominent fine artists, Wilkinson has written for National Geographic, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor and many other publications. He started his career as a violent crime reporter in Chicago.

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Image by Thomas D. Mangelsen/all rights reserved. See more at mangelsen.com

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